Wednesday 12 June 2024

In The Spotlight: Kesh & Hattie (real life model couple)


1. How did you both get into the acting / modelling industry?

Hattie started acting first then realised they go hand in hand so focused on both! Kesh did some photos for the university prospectus which he then used to go into the modelling industry. 

2. Your best piece of advice for aspiring models / actors? 

Take every opportunity and learn from others! There’s a lot to be learnt on set so always stay focused. Take plenty of wardrobe options - it always comes in handy! 

3. What's it like working together? 

Good fun! It’s nice to be able to be on set together & make memories and have each other there for support! Also handy as Kesh can carry the bags! 😂

4. The shoot you both enjoyed shooting together the most?

Our favourite job was on the Christmas shoot Lacey secured us! We ended up in the store magazine which was amazing as everyone saw it and it’s our favourite time of the year (even though we did shoot it in the summer!) 

5: Best thing about being represented by Face? 

The best thing about Face is the amazing opportunities we have been given to work with some top brands. The team in the office are so friendly, we feel we can talk to them about anything ! We can’t wait to pop in again soon and say hello 

6. Your dream brand to model for as a couple? 

Our dream brand to work for would be a holiday destination/ travel company brand! We love travelling the U.K. but would love to go abroad soon.

Tuesday 30 April 2024


Al Gill, our new Extras Booker in the Casting Department 

What is your favourite thing about working at Face? 
The lovely team I get to work alongside ☺️ 

What does your job as 'Extras Booker' entail? 
I work in the casting department, booking our Supporting Artists on jobs. My daily tasks include; liaising with clients and talent, sending out briefs and booking forms. 

What is the top destination on your must-visit list? 
I would like to visit as MANY countries as possible. 

Which season is your favourite? 
We're in it right now, Spring. 

What three words would your friends use to describe you? 
Easy-going, adaptable & creative. 

Tuesday 20 February 2024

In The Spotlight: NICK GAYLE

 1. How did you get into the creative industry? 

I was a professional athlete before getting into modelling. I was not making enough money to keep my career going and one day at the physiotherapy clinic I was paying my bill and I told the receptionist that I might have to retire. She talked me out of it and suggested getting into modelling might help pay for my athletics training. I went home got my then girlfriend to take a picture of me and applied to an agency, a week later I got signed!

2. Your best piece of advice for aspiring models? 

Network! Build a relationship with your peers and surround yourself with people who care about your career.

3. What has been your favourite shoot to date? 

I love all of the work. If I had pick one, I would say shooting with Jet2 was special. Travelling to Crete, shooting on the best beaches and hotels was unreal. This was a special job for me because five years earlier I didn’t know where my career was going and I saw one of their commercials on TV and I kept rewinding back thinking I wish I could do a shoot with them. To achieve that was like a wish come true.

4. If you had to choose someone (besides yourself) to play you in a movie, who would you choose & why? 

I would have Leonardo DiCaprio OR Kano. Kano and I are both from Jamaican British backgrounds and his performances in Top Boy are out of this world.

5: Best thing about being represented by Face? 

I love being represented by Face, they are an amazing team who have helped me get dream jobs. Vicky and her team have been great at communicating with me and have consistently taken my career serious.

6. Did you always want to be in this industry or did you have a different childhood dream? 

My dream was always to be professional athlete. I never really prepared for this career, I learnt on the job and the goals I wanted to achieve came later.

Monday 22 January 2024

INTRODUCING our newest Juniors

With a new year, comes lots of ADORABLE new faces! 

Check out some of our new juniors here at Face... 

For enquires & bookings email:

Keep up with the latest news & what our juniors get up to over on our Instagram